The Board Game guy's Useful Links!

About useful links

This useful links page is here to provide you with the ability to jump to sites that deal with some facet of gaming. It could be a company that makes certain games, terrain, a gaming shopping site, game blog site, or even a 3D printing site.


Games Workshop
Games Workshop is a UK company that is big into miniature games. They are the ones that did Space Hulk, Warhammer 40,000, and also do fantasy games like Lord of the Rings. On top of games and miniatures, they have their own paint and terrain line.
Minature Market link
Miniature market is a resource I use a lot! They are buying site for games that are played on the table. Board games, mi nature games, and card games. They also have options for terrain and carrying cases to hold your miniature’s in. Best of all, they have upcoming games shown so you can see what might interest you in the future.
Battle Systems link
Battle Systems is another UK company that made conservative priced terrain that is printed on cardboard. It is a cheaper option than a lot of other terrain and it makes your battlespace look awesome! They have terrain that is ancient, modern, and futuristic! They have even gone further with making their own game called Core Space.
Fantacy Flight Games link
Fantasy Flight Games is best known for their Star Wars games. These include Star Wars: X-wing, Star Wars: Armada, and Star Wars: Legion (which is very similar to the old Star Wars miniature Battles I played as a teen)! They have numerus games to choose from that can fit into many interests.